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History of Barn Quilts

Adams County, Ohio, 2001: Donna Sue Groves came up with the idea to honor her mother, a passionate quilter, by painting a quilt on their barn. After a few years and a bit of discussion, she expanded the idea and suggested that the community create a "sampler" of quilt blocks on 20 barns throughout the county. The idea took root and quickly spread to surrounding counties and beyond.


Barn Quilts have been embraced by quilt guilds, University Extension offices, 4-H and other agricultural groups, schools, and local arts councils. A truly grassroots art movement, Barn Quilts can be found in 48 states as well as Canada.



Rock County, Wisconsin

Barn Quilts came to Rock County in 2010 when a few residents saw them popping up on barns in neighboring Green County. They joined together and created Barn Quilts of Rock County, painting the large blocks for their own barns, and then expanding to paint for others interested in displaying the beautiful quilt blocks. Now there are over 200 barn quilts throughout the county. 

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Located in Rock County, Wisconsin

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